GLS eastern European region

GLS Hungary also functions as an eastern European regional hub for GLS.
Countries that are part of the region: Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia

Due to the interconnected logistics processes between the countries of the region, several value-added services can be ordered in addition to the core services for export parcels, such as cash on delivery or the FlexDeliveryService.
We recommend our regional services to companies that are active in cross-border sales and would like to take advantage of the logistics opportunities in these six countries.

GLS Hungary map

headquarters: Alsónémedi
Depots: 90
Parcel delivery*: 24 hours

GLS Slovakia map

Headquarters: Zvolen
Depots: 20
Delivery time form Hungary*: 24 hours

GLS Czech Republic map

Headquarters: Jihlava
Depots: 24
Delivery time form Hungary*: 48 hours

GLS Croatia map

Headquarters: Zagreb
Depots: 25
Delivery time form Hungary*: 48 hours

GLS Romania map

Headquarters: Sibiu
Depots: 48
Delivery time form Hungary*: 48 hours

GLS Slovenia map

Headquarters: Ljubljana
Depots: 18
Delivery time form Hungary*: 48 hours

GLS Serbia map

Headquarters: Belgrad
Depots: 4
Delivery time form Hungary*: 48-96 hours


*With respect to transit times, please note that GLS only makes deliveries on business days.

GLS Hungary delivers parcel with a special focus on quality.

GLS Hungary is one of the largest parcel logistics service providers in Hungary, with a special focus on quality.

GLS van arriving at a company building

GLS’s domestic and international services are available to all companies. GLS delivers the parcels it receives for shipment both to business (B2B) and private (B2C) addresses.

A Man at his laptop asking for a quote on regional shipping

Ask for a quote on regional shipping!