As an internationally operating parcel service provider GLS Group stands for fair competition, integrity and responsibility.


The Code of Business Standards forms the basis of all business activities of GLS Group. Furthermore it shows the obligation of GLS Group towards its stakeholders.


GLS expects its suppliers to respect the standards laid out in this Supplier Code of Conduct, implement them using appropriate measures and adhere to them in their business activities.

gls delivery

General Logistics Systems B.V. and its affiliates (GLS) are subsidiaries of International Distribution Services plc (IDS).
As a UK company, IDS is subject to the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act.

electric vehicle

The conservation of resources and the reduction of emissions are of central importance at GLS. Together with its employees, customers and suppliers, GLS wants to become one of the leading providers of sustainable parcel services.


We at GLS are committed to clear ethical principles. This is a pillar of our success as a
business. All GLS staff bears responsibility for GLS living up to its principles; quite often,
it is the misconduct of just a few that badly reflects on the reputation of a business as a
whole. Hence, it is crucial for GLS to get notified of potential misconduct of its staff, its
suppliers or third parties as early as possible so that we can quickly act on it and
efficiently remedy the situation.

The internal reporting channel within the meaning of Section 19. of the
Whistleblowers’ Protection Act is Compliance.
Please contact the internal reporting channel via

1) EQS GLS - Home ( or

2) Attorney Dr Rainer Buchert
Kaiserstraße 22
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Contact form

Tel: +49 69 710 33 330 or +49 6105 92 1355
Fax: +49 69 710 34 444

Dr. Buchert will not consider complaints which are not of a criminal or similar serious nature. When in doubt, he will advise on how to proceed.

Besides contacting the internal reporting channel, you also have the possibility to
contact the relevant authorities directly (external reporting). The relevant
authorities are:

Ombudswoman of Croatia (Ombudswoman of Croatia (
Please follow this link for more information: Frequently asked questions – Ombudswoman of Croatia (

All complaints are confidential. Dr Buchert is required by his statutory lawyers’ confidentiality obligations not to disclose the identity of callers without their explicit consent to do otherwise. He also has the right to refuse to give evidence (including the identity of whistleblowers) if requested by a court of law. Complaints to the ombudsman will only be passed on to GLS once the consent of the complainant has been received.

Download all information about Whistleblower Protection. Download

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion – For the people of today and tomorrow

Diversity and inclusion are key principles at GLS Group. We know that success for our company depends on the people working for GLS. This is independent of their race, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other characteristics protected by law. It is not only our ethical responsibility to promote a diverse and inclusive company culture, but also an essential element of the company we want to be. In order to fully support a diverse and inclusive working environment and achieve sustainable impact, we as GLS Group strive to achieve to the following:

  • Transition Arrow

    Inclusive work environment

    To create an inclusive work environment in which our employees feel valued for their contributions, are respected and treated fairly, and have a sense of belonging.
  • Transition Arrow

    Equal opportunities

    To provide equal opportunities for all employees, including access to trainings, development and growth opportunities and advancements.
  • Transition Arrow

    Open-minded applicants

    To recruit open-minded applicants of all races, gender, ages, sexual orientations and any other characteristics.
  • Diverse range of partners

    To collaborate with a diverse range of partners to fuel our innovation and connect closer to the communities around us.