Fuel surcharge

Follow the evolution of the diesel tax applied by GLS France month by month

GLS charges a fuel surcharge because rising crude oil prices have a significant impact on the price of transport, and therefore also on parcel delivery costs

The basis used by GLS France for the calculation of the fuel surcharge is the average price of diesel at the pump for the month before last (e.g. for August, the reference month is June), published by the Comité National Routier (CNR).

In addition, GLS France takes the share of fuel cost for transportation carried out by vehicles of less than 3.5 t and trucks into account.

Once the data for the previous month is published by the CNR, GLS determines the fuel surcharge for the current month. It is disclosed separately and transparently in invoices.

The fuel surcharge for the month of March 2025 is 21,79%.

MonthSurcharge (in %)
March 202521,79
February 202521,49
January 202521,29
December 202421,09
November 202421,09
October 202421,49
September 202421,89
August 202421,79
July 202421,89
June 202422,19
May 202422,19
April 202422,39
March 202421,99
Download relation of fuel price and surcharge document