Convenient parcel redirection - the choice is yours

If you cannot take receipt of your parcel yourself, you can ask for it to be redirected or select one of many other delivery options. This free service offers you maximum flexibility and control. Smart and reliable.

This assumes, however, that you have already received a notification card, or parcel notification email. Our parcel tracking system offers you a practical way to check which delivery options are currently available for your specific parcel.

Image of GLS notification card

On the notification card left for you by the GLS delivery agent after the first delivery attempt, you will find the Track ID. You can use this Track ID to check the available delivery options and select one accordingly.

Image of GLS notification card

If GLS cannot deliver your parcel to you personally, your neighbour or a nearby ParcelShop for your collection, you can choose what happens next. Parcel redirection and the fulfilment of the chosen options are free of charge.

Image of a mobile screen with a GLS notification card

Have you received a parcel notification from GLS by email? In this case, you can choose to redirect the parcel or select an alternative delivery option. To do this, you just need to click the delivery options specified in your email.

The choice is yours – all delivery options at a glance.

Drop off permission

Not at home at the time of delivery? No problem. Just specify a drop-off location and the GLS delivery agent will leave your parcel there.

 GLS driver hands over a GLS parcel in a GLS ParcelShop

Your ParcelShop will take receipt of the parcel and keep it for you for up to eight working days.

 GLS depot in Kalsdorf near Graz

You can also collect the parcel yourself from the GLS depot, where it will be kept for four working days. Once this period has elapsed, the parcel will be returned to the sender.

 electronic confirmation of receipt

Not at home during the day? Then get your parcel delivered to a different address. For example, to your workplace or to a relative who is at home during the day. Use the FlexDeliveryService provided by the parcel shipper.

 Group photo of GLS trainees

You want the parcel until 12pm ? Your parcel shipper only has to choose our GLS ExpressService.

 customer redirects GLS parcel at the laptop

You can select a specific date for delivery. Six calendar days following the shipping date are available. The predicted delivery time window remains unchanged.

Relevant quick links for you as the recipient